How To Clean A Greasy Restaurant Kitchen Floor

A woman is demonstrating thorough mopping techniques for cleaning a greasy restaurant kitchen floor.

Grease build-up in restaurant kitchens can be stubborn and challenging to remove, but with the right tools and procedures, it can be effectively managed. Read ahead for a step-by-step guide to help you simplify the cleaning process of a greasy kitchen floor.

Cleaning Flooring In A Restaurant’s Kitchen

Maintaining clean floors in a restaurant’s kitchen is essential for ensuring a hygienic food preparation environment and enhancing safety for the kitchen and restaurant staff. The following steps are effective ways to keep your restaurant’s kitchen floors spotless and safe.

Step 1: Assemble Your Materials

So, how to clean a greasy restaurant kitchen floor? Before you start cleaning the floor, assemble all necessary supplies such as:

  • Heavy-duty degreaser solution
  • Hot water
  • One Mop and two buckets
  • Floor scrubber
  • Baking soda or other absorbent agents
  • Floor squeegee
  • Microfiber cloths

Step 2: Declutter The Floor

Remove all kitchen equipment, mats, and furniture from the floor as this will ensure that you can reach all areas and avoid items from getting contaminated during the cleaning process.

Step 3: Pretreat Problem Areas

Grease buildup can create hazardous and slippery surfaces and pose a safety concern for kitchen staff. Pretreating a floor helps to break down and loosen heavy grease and grime which makes the overall cleaning process more thorough and effective. It ensures that difficult areas are addressed and easier to clean during the main degreasing process. To pretreat the floor, start by sprinkling baking soda over all visible grease spills and allow it to sit for 15 minutes to absorb the excess grease. Sweep or vacuum the baking soda and dispose of it properly.

Step 4: Apply Floor Degrease

Choose a heavy-duty degreaser specifically designed for kitchen floors and follow the. manufacturer’s instructions for diluting the degreaser and application to ensure optimum effectiveness. Follow this by pouring the solution into a mop bucket with hot water, as hot water helps to break down grease effectively for easier cleaning. Apply the degreaser across the floor using a mop and ensure that heavily soiled areas are well-saturated, and allow the degreaser solution to sit for 5-10 minutes to break down the grease before scrubbing the floor.

Step 5: Scrub The Kitchen Floor

The next step in how to clean a greasy restaurant kitchen floor is to use a floor scrubber to scrub the floor thoroughly after allowing the degreaser to sit on the floor for some time. If scrubbing manually, work in small sections and utilize circular motions to eliminate the grease. Using a floor scrubber allows the job to become easier and more efficient. Grease and grime can accumulate in corners and edges so pay close attention to these areas when scrubbing the floor. 

Step 6: Mop The Floor 

Once the floor is thoroughly scrubbed, rinse the degreaser and grease residue utilizing a mopping process. To do this, fill a clean mop bucket with hot water as hot water helps to break down grease more thoroughly than cold water. Rinse the floor with a clean mop and hot water to ensure that all degreaser is removed. Employ a two-bucket system when mopping to avoid spreading grease across the floor, and one bucket should hold the cleaning solution while the other bucket should be used for rinsing the mop. 

You may need to repeat this process more than once to ensure the floor is completely free of grease and cleaning solutions. To disinfect the floors, mop the floor with a disinfectant solution to safeguard the kitchen floor to be grease-free and hygienic, as this step will help eliminate remaining bacteria or pathogens.

Step 7: Dry The Floor

Utilize a floor squeegee to eliminate excess water from the floor. While doing so, push the water towards a floor drain if available or use absorbent materials such as dry towels or microfiber cloths to soak remaining moisturize to dry the floor thoroughly.

Regency Cleaning Services offers a wide range of restaurant kitchen cleaning services and is committed to providing your establishment with top-of-the-line solutions with green cleaning products and expert cleaning techniques. Contact us today to learn how you can optimize your restaurant operations with our team of professional kitchen cleaning services.

