Reasons To Keep Your Carpet Clean Year-Round

A healthy and productive workplace begins with cleanliness. Many studies have shown the positive effects that a cleaner work environment can have on employee well being, not to mention overall productivity levels.

As an office manager, you must consider every viable option for improving the performance of each and every one of your employees. You can’t deny the importance of a clean workplace when it comes to keeping employees in the office and avoiding sick days.  

At Regency Cleaning, we can help with all your commercial cleaning needs. If you’d like to invest in keeping your office cleaner and more productive, here are a few important reasons to have your carpets cleaned year round:

Maximizes Your Carpet’s Lifetime

When you install new carpet in your commercial office space, you shouldn’t have to replace it every year or two. However, if you don’t have carpets cleaned regularly, and thoroughly, you may find yourself replacing carpet in your office much more frequently than you should. Investing in a year-round carpet cleaning service will drastically extend your carpet’s lifetime.

Keeps Office Air Clean

Carpet has a nasty habit of trapping airborne pollutants that can compromise the indoor air quality of your commercial office space. While this trapping is largely inevitable, regular carpet cleaning reduces this pollutant buildup to a much more acceptable level.

Reduces Overall Maintenance Requirements

Neglecting the cleanliness of your office’s carpets can ultimately increase your maintenance requirements over time. Regular carpet cleaning removes excess buildup of dry soils that, over time, will result in permanent soiling.

Protects Appearance

When your carpet becomes soiled, it becomes unattractive. If you regularly entertain clients or hold large meetings in your commercial office space, the appearance of your carpets is of the utmost importance. Well-maintained carpets automatically enhance the overall appearance of your commercial office space.

Prevents Allergies and Sickness

Carpet that isn’t cleaned on a regular basis will contain contaminants that can be harmful to employees and visitors. When activity levels are exceptionally high in your office, these contaminants are much more likely to find their way into employees’ systems, resulting in bothersome allergies and, in the worst case, extended sick leave.

Improves Employee Morale

A healthy workplace must be clean. If you wish to be truly successful, your employees must be excited to show up to work everyday. This is unlikely to be the case if your workplace is consistently dirty and carpets become a noticeable eyesore.

Maintains Warranty

Typically, most carpet warranties come with the stipulation that you must have your carpets cleaned, sometimes using a specific method, every twelve to eighteen months. If you fail to do so, your warranty can be voided.

At Regency Cleaning, our team has the knowledge and experience to take care of all your commercial office cleaning needs. Your carpet needs our attention, and it needs it more than once a year. If you’d like to speak with one of our experts about your commercial space’s unique needs, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 403-520-7788 today!

