Hire Extra Help for the Holidays

Most people might be sad about Calgary hitting an early winter this year, but Regency Cleaning welcomes the added challenge! An early winter means more snow, which also means more business for us. If you’re looking to get some extra help to keep your business clean and free from the muddy snow, you’ve come to the right place.

The Dirtiest Time of the Year

It comes as a surprise to no one that winter is the dirtiest season of the year. That extra blanket of snow wouldn’t be so much of a problem on its own, but the melting and freezing due to constant temperature fluctuations causes it to mix with dirt and soil. If your business is located in a high foot traffic environment, like a mall, your floors are bound to get exposed to the mud brought in by all your clients. For this reason, commercial retail buildings can be some of the hardest to keep consistently clean, yet both tenants and customers demand high cleanliness standards. Add on top of this the regular wear and tear due to spilt food, messy children, and littering and you’ve got yourself a large task at hand.  There’s simply no way around this problem, so your best bet is to face it head on!

Keep Your Business Clean

This is where Regency Cleaning shines. Our professional and dependable cleaning professionals come in and get rid of all that mud, dirt, and grime. Snow clogging up your walkways? Not a problem for our snow removal team! Regency Cleaning has ample experience dealing with retail environments and know the ins and outs of keeping the area well maintained. Our day patrol staff and cleaning and reporting systems work to prevent accidental slips and falls, which do pose a real threat in a poorly kept space. We hold ourselves to high standards and take our work very seriously, ensuring that you’re receiving the best possible service.

The quality at which you maintain your business says a lot about the quality of the service or product you’re offering. Hire Regency Cleaning this winter season to help clean out your retail facility so it can look its best. No matter how big or small, we’re up to the task. Reach us at 403-520-7788 today!

