Sanitising Surfaces with Green Cleaners

A healthy office space is a team effort. While it may be a supervisor or manager’s responsibility to ensure your basic needs are being met, keeping common areas clean and preventing the spread of germs is everyone’s responsibility. Neglecting these can make it easier for colds to spread around the office, but letting too much bleach or ammonia waft around the office can be damaging in its own way too.

What Does ‘Sanitised’ Really Mean?

First, let’s answer the question, “What do we mean when we say sanitised?”. To ‘sanitise’ means to make something hygienic; to prevent the spread of germs. Germs and bacteria can be killed with bleach or ammonia based cleaners. They can also be removed with plant based cleaners and soaps that won’t leave harmful residues of bleach, and the water that’s disposed at the end of the process won’t harm the local environment.

Why Is Staying Sanitised Important in a Retail or Office Setting?

In a work setting, we constantly share tools and surfaces with each other. If one person on a team is sick, they are capable of spreading germs to every surrounding surface if areas aren’t routinely sanitised, or due diligence isn’t paid to what a sick person comes in contact with. Germs are most often passed on through our hands – by shaking someone’s hand or touching a surface that others will also touch. Hand washing can prevent the spread, but a surface clean will further reduce the risk.

At Regency Cleaning we know how important the health of your team is. One person’s spread germs can affect many members of an office team, and could actually derail projects or subdue productivity depending on how many people it affects. That’s why we hope you’ll consider hiring our team for a one-off or routine office cleaning to ensure that your Calgary office stays clean, and germs stay under control, when it counts the most.

Call us today to arrange a quote for your office or retail space and stop the spread of germs at (403)-520-7788

