What Is An Industrial Cleaner And What Do They Do?

what does an industrial cleaner do

Are you looking for a cleaning service that specializes in tackling extensive dirt and grease build-up in large industrial spaces? If you answered ‘yes’, it is time to consider hiring an industrial cleaner. Read ahead to learn what an industrial cleaner is and all of the cleaning tasks that are included in their services.

What Is An Industrial Cleaner?

Industrial cleaning relates to the maintenance of manufacturing or heavy industry spaces including warehouses, factories, and power plants, among others. Industrial cleaners are responsible for keeping industrial spaces clean and safe, and they usually work on a range of projects from removing grime from equipment to disinfecting floors and walls before bringing in new equipment in a facility. Some areas that industrial cleaners clean are offices, conference rooms, employee lounges and locker areas, storage spaces, and manufacturing and production floor areas among other spaces.

There are specialized equipment and products that industrial cleaners utilize, unlike the tools and products that you may use to clean your home. For this reason, industrial cleaners have to receive appropriate on-the-job training and safety education to properly wield the tools of this trade.

Necessary Skills For An Industrial Cleaner

In order to efficiently do their job, industrial cleaners should possess the following skills:

Good Communication Skills: Communication skills are necessary for this type of work because industrial cleaners often work in a group with other people.

Attention To Detail: This skill allows industrial cleaners to perform their tasks to the highest standards. Also, giving attention to detail can help cleaners identify and solve any problems that arise during their job.

Physical Stamina: Industrial workers often work in large areas and may also be required to do some heavy lifting. Physical stamina helps them complete their job more efficiently and safely.

Mechanical Aptitude: Industrial cleaners have to work with machinery and other complicated equipment. Having a robust aptitude for mechanical operations can help them understand how to use machinery and mend it if components break.

What Does An Industrial Cleaner Do

If you are wondering what an industrial cleaner does during their job, the following are some tasks that industrial cleaners perform:

  • Washing boilers, tanks, and vats with high-pressure hoses
  • Removing dust and ash with industrial vacuuming equipment
  • Decontaminate work areas and machinery
  • Mixing cleaning chemicals in the appropriate amounts and removing grease, oil, and dirt from equipment
  • Work from cradles or mobile access platforms to reach higher areas
  • Storing cleaning equipment safely and discarding hazardous waste appropriately
  • Cleaning machinery and equipment such as pipes, boilers, conveyor belts, and tanks with power washers

It is crucial that you hire professionals who have the knowledge and experience in cleaning industrial and commercial spaces as these environments necessitate using specialized tools, techniques, and products to achieve the cleanest result possible. Regency Cleaning Services is known for its all-natural and toxin-free cleaning services. Contact us today to learn more about the industrial cleaning services that we offer to make your industrial space healthy and safe to use for you and your employees.

