Cleaning – Not Just for a Great Impression, But for Health and Productivity Too!

Cleaning – Not Just for a Great Impression, But for Health and Productivity Too!

Keeping your commercial office space clean is incredibly important when it comes to entertaining valuable clients and guests. While you may have the most impressive pitch ever designed waiting, if your office is in shambles you risk losing a client’s interest before you can even launch into your speech.

At Regency Cleaning, we understand the essential nature of creating a good first impression when it comes to establishing new client relationships and keeping reliable partners on board. We also realize that a clean commercial office space can have significant positive impacts on the internal workings of your company.

Contracting with a reliable commercial janitorial service will certainly improve your odds of impressing important visitors, but you should also be aware of how a clean office space can improve the health of your staff and, in turn, increase your company’s overall productivity.

High Traffic Areas

The entranceway and lobby are two of the most highly trafficked areas of your commercial space, and every visitor will experience these areas immediately upon arriving at your building. In addition, employees will typically enter the building through these areas every morning, and a lack of cleanliness is likely to breed a lack of excitement for showing up at work over time. Make sure your commercial cleaning company focuses on regular removal of dust, dirt, and grime from your building’s high traffic areas. 

Unpleasant Odors

Nobody enjoys coming to work everyday to a building that harbors unpleasant scents. Dander, dust, and some chemicals used by less environmentally-friendly cleaning companies are pulled into your building’s ventilation system and these odors recirculate through your building several times over in the course of a single business day. If your building maintains a distracting, stale odor, it might be time to check with your commercial cleaning company to see when they last performed a thorough cleaning of your building’s HVAC system. 

Reduction of Sick Days

When it comes to the success or failure of your company, it can often come down to just how much you’re able to get out of individual employees. While telecommuting is increasingly in popularity in the Internet age, most companies still need regular employees to show up on a daily basis. Neglecting the cleanliness of your commercial space increases the likelihood of employees missing valuable work time due to illness.

According to the ISSA, sick days cost businesses as much as $225 billion every year. Making sure your commercial space is cleaned thoroughly on a regular basis will go a long way towards keeping your employees healthy and able to contribute to your company’s success. 

Increased Motivation

Maximizing your company’s productivity requires employees that are motivated to contribute positively to your company’s mission. Having a majority of employees that lack the crucial motivation to show up and give their best everyday will ultimately make your company’s pursuit of success much more difficult. Whether they are conscious of it or not, a dirty work environment can severely impact your employees’ motivation. Keeping your commercial space spotless will result in a much more motivated workforce, and you’re bound to see the results in your company’s productivity levels, as well as your bottom line.

At Regency Cleaning, we strive to provide commercial business owners with the most complete cleaning solutions available. If your current commercial cleaning company isn’t quite towing the line, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 403-520-7788 today!



